Local Mayors Speak Out Against Sequestration

Jul 17, 2012
Defense Drumbeat
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton says resolution can’t wait until after this election

Washington – Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton (D-AZ) urged Congress and the President to come together to head off the pending defense cuts under sequestration. Republicans in the House and Senate are the only members in each chamber putting forward legislation to solve the damaging cuts from sequestration. Key Excerpts from Mayor Stanton’s appearance on Fox are below:

“These cuts will go into effect on January 3rd, and so defense and aerospace would take a million jobs but the other areas would also take a million jobs. The total impact on our national economy would be 2 million jobs. It would uptick the unemployment rate by 1.5%, send this economy back into a recession.”

“Again, I represent a city that got hammered during the recent recession. We are coming out of it. We're going strong, we are building a stronger economy, adding jobs to our economy, our city budget is doing better, sequestration would be the wrong step and that's why mayors across the country are telling our friends in congress, get to the bargaining table, don't wait until after this election.”

“I don't care if you're a Republican or a Democrat, get to the bargaining table, reach resolution, reach compromise, do the right thing for the American people.”

112th Congress