Thornberry on Air Force Failure to Properly Report Criminal Record of Former Airman

Washington, D.C.  –Chairman Mac Thornberry (R-TX) released the following statement regarding the Air Force's handling of the criminal records of former Airman Devin P. Kelley:

Chairman Mac Thornberry (R-TX) released the following statement regarding the Air Force's handling of the criminal records of former Airman Devin P. Kelley:

"News that the Air Force failed to notify the FBI of Devin Kelly's military criminal record is appalling. I understand that Secretary Wilson has initiated an investigation, but I don't believe that the Air Force should be left to self-police after such tragic consequences. Furthermore, I am concerned that the failure to properly report domestic violence convictions may be a systemic issue. I commend the DOD IG for opening a broader investigation that will cover the entire department. This morning, I directed committee staff to work closely with the IG and DOD as the Committee begins our own comprehensive oversight of this matter."