Thornberry Introduces Acquisition Reform Bill

WASHINGTON – Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-TX), Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, introduced his latest acquisition reform bill today. The goals of the “Defense Acquisition Streamlining and Transparency Act” (H.R. 2511) include empowering the Pentagon to use E-Commerce for commercial-off-the-shelf items, as well as reforming the defense contract audit process and the acquisition of services. The entire bill text and a summary of the bill can be found here. The Chairman made the following remarks upon the bill’s introduction:

Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-TX), Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, introduced his latest acquisition reform bill today. The goals of the "Defense Acquisition Streamlining and Transparency Act" (H.R. 2511) include empowering the Pentagon to use E-Commerce for commercial-off-the-shelf items, as well as reforming the defense contract audit process and the acquisition of services. The Chairman made the following remarks upon the bill's introduction:

"These reforms will streamline the bureaucracy, drive greater efficiency through competition, and give the Pentagon the tools it needs to make better business decisions. They also promote greater transparency and accountability. While these reforms will save money over the long term, they will also help improve support for the warfighters right away."

The bill represents the third installment of the Chairman's acquisition reform initiative. These latest proposals build on two rounds of foundational reforms aimed at promoting the agility and innovation we need for our warfighters to maintain their technological advantage on and off the battlefield. This discussion draft will inform provisions to be offered in the FY 18 National Defense Authorization Act.

Congress has enacted significant defense reforms over the past two years with bipartisan support. They include an updated retirement system, an improved military health care system, a more efficient and sustainable commissary benefit, major organizational changes, and acquisition reform. Over time, these reforms will save billions of dollars, and will help the Pentagon be more agile in the face of changing threats and rapidly-evolving technology.