Subcommittee on Strategic Forces


WASHINGTON - Led by Chairman Mike Rogers (R-AL), the Committee on Armed Services Subcommittee for Strategic Forces today released their proposals for the Fiscal Year 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The Subcommittee will meet at 12:00 PM on Thursday, April 21st, in Rayburn 2212. The markup will be webcast on the committee’s YouTube page. The Strategic Forces Subcommittee mark is available here: Subcommittee Mark.

Led by Chairman Mike Rogers (R-AL), the Committee on Armed Services Subcommittee for Strategic Forces today released their proposals for the Fiscal Year 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The Subcommittee will meet at 12:00 PM on Thursday, April 21st, in Rayburn 2212. The markup will be webcast on the committee’s YouTube page. The Strategic Forces Subcommittee mark is available here: Subcommittee Mark.

The Strategic Forces mark proposal provides vital space, nuclear and missile defense capabilities. Specifically, the proposal:


Tackles the serious foreign counterspace threat to our space systems, authorizing funding for reconstitution and responsive launch activities.

Directs a sweeping review to strengthen our space posture and ensure the military is organized to keep our space advantage.

Ensures our most critical space systems are set on paths to provide the essential capabilities throughout a conflict that could extend to space.

Authorizes funding for innovative approaches to acquiring commercial satellite communications in order to get the latest technology to our warfighters and save taxpayer dollars.

Ensures key national security requirements are met for a space weather program by starting to transfer acquisition authority for that mission from the Air Force to the National Reconnaissance Office.

Nuclear Weapons

Authorizes additional funding for the National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) nuclear weapons activities, including critical programs to modernize the nuclear weapons stockpile.

Takes action to address the $3.7 billion backlog of deferred maintenance at NNSA that is threatening worker safety and mission performance.

Sets clear priorities for the National Nuclear Security Administration’s core nuclear weapons production programs while prohibiting funding for the Administration’s plans to accelerate the retirement of nuclear weapons.

Provides enhanced authority for the Department of Energy to mitigate threats from unmanned aircraft at its most sensitive nuclear facilities.

Consolidates and strengthens the Air Force’s organizational structures to ensure the nation’s nuclear command and control and missile warning systems remain robust.

Missile Defense and Other

Requires the Department of Defense to develop a new missile defeat strategy, including ballistic missile defense and cruise missile defense strategy, and restricts the Department of Defense from stripping the Missile Defense Agency of its special acquisition authorities.

The Chairman also recommends providing Israel the resources it needs for co-production, including in the United States, and co-development of Israeli missile defense systems, including Iron Dome, David’s Sling, and Arrow.