Rogers, Inhofe Reject Biden Defense Budget Submission as Wholly Inadequate

United States Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL), Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee, and United States Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, released the following statement on President Joe Biden's fiscal year (FY) 2022 defense budget request:

"President Biden's defense budget request is wholly inadequate — it's nowhere near enough to give our service members the resources, equipment and training they need," Rogers and Inhofe said. "It's disingenuous to call this request an increase because it doesn't even keep up with inflation — it's a cut. Fundamentally, it does not adequately resource the 2018 National Defense Strategy, forcing impossible choices between readiness and modernization upon commanders and troops. We're especially disappointed that the Pentagon has entirely missed the point of the bipartisan, bicameral legislation that established the Pacific Deterrence Initiative. A budget like this sends China and our other potential adversaries a bad signal — that we're not willing to do what it takes to defend ourselves and our allies and partners.

"Congress has the power of the purse, and we will work with our colleagues to get our military a sufficient defense top-line in place that focuses resources on the Pentagon's key mission areas."