Hasc Hearing Schedule: June 18-22

WASHINGTON, DC - House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry (R-TX) released the following schedule featuring four (4) events the week of June 18-22:

House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry (R-TX) released the following schedule featuring four (4) events the week of June 18-22:

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

"Military Health System Reform: Pain Management, Opioids Prescription Management and Reporting Transparency "
Subcommittee on Military Personnel
(3:30 PM - 2212 Rayburn - OPEN)

Vice Admiral Raquel C. Bono, USN
Defense Health Agency

Captain Mike Colston, M.D., USN
Director, Mental Health Policy and Oversight
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs

Thursday, June 21, 2018

"Military Technology Transfer: Threats, Impacts, and Solutions for the Department of Defense"
Full Committee
(10:00 AM - 2118 Rayburn - OPEN)

The Honorable Michael D. Griffin
Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
Department of Defense

The Honorable Kari A. Bingen
Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence
Department of Defense

The Honorable Kevin M. Fahey
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition
Department of Defense

Mr. Anthony M. Schinella
National Intelligence Officer for Military Issues
Office of the Director of National Intelligence

"Aviation Mishap Prevention—a Progress Report"
Subcommittee on Readiness
(3:30 PM - 2212 Rayburn - OPEN)

Lieutenant General Mark C. Nowland
Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations
U.S. Air Force

Rear Admiral Roy J. Kelley
Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic
U.S. Navy

Lieutenant General Steven R. Rudder
Deputy Commandant for Aviation
U.S. Marine Corps

Major General William K. Gayler
Commanding General, U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence
U.S. Army

Friday, June 22, 2018

"Space Situational Awareness: Whole of Government Perspectives on Roles and Responsibilities"
Subcommittee on Strategic Forces
(9:00 AM - 2118 Rayburn - OPEN)

The Honorable Wilbur Ross
Secretary of Commerce
Department of Commerce

The Honorable Jim Bridenstine
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

General John Hyten
U.S. Strategic Command