FINAL PASSAGE: H.R. 5515 Passes 351-66 on May 24, 2018
Rule #2 Amendment Order/Tracker - Thursday Morning's Floor Action
Floor # |
Rules # |
Sponsor |
Party |
Description |
Floor Action |
Outcome |
093 |
202 |
Cuellar (TX) |
D |
Requires the Secretary of the Air Force to conduct a core sampling study at Joint Base San Antonio - Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, to determine if any regulated or hazardous substances are present along the route of a wastewater pipeline replacement project. Requires a report on the results of the core sampling to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
094 |
209 |
Yarmuth (KY) |
D |
REVISED Requires the Department of Defense to provide estimates of enduring costs funded with Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) funding as part of its budget submissions to Congress. This requirement is consistent with recommendations made by GAO. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
095 |
210 |
Maloney, Sean (NY) |
D |
REVISED Improves the ability of separating or retiring members of the Armed Forces to seek state veterans services by enabling them to elect to have their DD-214 shared with county veterans service officers. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
096 |
222 |
Correa (CA) |
D |
Requires the Department of Defense to conduct a study to determine how they can attract and recruit individuals from institutions of higher education, including Hispanic Serving Institutions, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Asian American and Native American Pacific and Islander Serving Institutions with educational backgrounds in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cybersecurity. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
097 |
225 |
Lee, Barbara (CA) |
D |
REVISED Instructs the Comptroller General of the United States to submit to Congress a report on how funds authorized for overseas contingency operations were obligated. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
098 |
235 |
Rohrabacher (CA) |
R |
Expresses a sense of congress that recognizes Dr. Shakil Afridi as an international hero and that the Government of Pakistan should release him immediately from prison. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
099 |
239 |
Soto (FL) |
D |
REVISED Directs Department of Defense to also consider distributed ledger technologies (blockchain) when performing their review and assessment on advancements in Artificial Intelligence and associated technologies like quantum sciences and high-performance computing. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
100 |
242 |
Lipinski (IL) |
D |
Grants Purple Heart recipients, disabled veterans, Medal of Honor recipients, and their caregivers access to Department of Defense commissaries and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) facilities. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
101 |
243 |
Lipinski (IL) |
D |
REVISED Directs the Secretary of the Army to comply with GAO recommendations regarding armored commercial passenger-carrying vehicles in report GAO-17-513. Directs the Department of Defense to provide a briefing on the implementation of the Department of Defense Instruction O-2000.16 Volume 1. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
102 |
245 |
Eshoo (CA) |
D |
REVISED Expresses the sense of Congress that the Secretary of the Army should explore all possible alternatives to the proposed conveyance of 17.1 acres and 126 existing housing units known as Shenandoah Square in Mountain View, California, including a sublease of the property to an entity that can better develop affordable housing on the property in one of the most expensive housing markets in the country, to avoid displacing families currently living at Shenandoah Square. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
103 |
249 |
Soto (FL) |
D |
Permanently authorizes the Defense Exportability Feature Pilot Program, which encourages program management to design and develop technology protection features in systems during the research and development stage. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
104 |
265 |
Torres (CA) |
D |
Requires the Secretary of Defense to produce a report regarding narcotics trafficking, corruption, and illicit campaign finance in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador, which shall include the names of government officials who have engaged in such acts. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
105 |
268 |
Wittman (VA) |
R |
Rectifies a clerical mistake by striking "2018" and inserting "2019" in regard to Maritime Administration authorization. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
106 |
274 |
Garrett (VA) |
R |
Inserts "foreign" before "non-state propaganda" on page 683, line 15 |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
107 |
284 |
Cicilline (RI) |
D |
Requires the Secretary of Defense to produce a report analyzing the effects of automation within the Defense Industrial Base over the next ten years. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
108 |
285 |
Cicilline (RI) |
D |
Requires a report on the nations, organizations, and persons against which the United States has taken military action under the authority of the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF). |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
109 |
287 |
Demings (FL) |
D |
Ensures the Secretary of Defense and other NATO countries shall: seek opportunities to conduct more NATO naval exercises in the Baltic and Black Sea to deter Russian aggression in those regions; and conduct joint research to enhance military capabilities. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
110 |
290 |
Cicilline (RI) |
D |
Requires a report on the practical impact of U.S. military strikes against Syria on April 13, 2018. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
111 |
291 |
Yoho (FL) |
R |
Directs the Secretary of Defense to carry out a priority equipment purchase program of Department of Defense farm equipment to eligible veteran farmers. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
112 |
299 |
Marshall (KS) |
R |
Authorizes the Society of the First Infantry Division to make modifications to the First Division Monument located on Federal land in Presidential Park, District of Columbia. The future additions will honor the members of the First Infantry Division who paid the ultimate sacrifice during United States operations, including Operation Iraqi Freedom and New Dawn and Operation Enduring Freedom. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
113 |
315 |
Langevin (RI) |
D |
Recognizes the importance of Department of State political advisors (POLADs) to the Department of Defense. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
114 |
318 |
Langevin (RI) |
D |
Requires an annual report for no more than five years regarding buildings and facilities subject to exceptions to accessibility standards. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
115 |
324 |
Beyer (VA) |
D |
Revises the lowest price technically acceptable (LPTA) source selection process in acquisition government-wide, requiring agencies to avoid LPTA use in circumstances that would deny the benefits of cost and technical tradeoffs in the source selection process. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
116 |
333 |
Young, Don (AK) |
R |
REVISED Calls for a sense of congress that the SECAF as part of the strategic basing process for the KC-46 should continue to place emphasis on and consider the benefits derived from locations outside the Continental U.S. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
117 |
334 |
Dunn (FL) |
R |
REVISED Supports upgrading 34 existing F-22 Block 20 trainers to combat-ready F-22 Block 35s. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
119 |
336 |
Brown (MD) |
D |
Amends language in Section 2362(d) of Title 10, USC, to ensure that schools which don't receive significant DoD funding – such as HBCUs – are more competitive against MSIs that receive substantial funding. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
120 |
338 |
Khanna (CA) |
D |
Requires Secretary Defense to conduct an investigation to determine if coalition partners or United States military or intelligence personnel violated federal law or department of defense policy while conducting operations in Yemen |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
121 |
341 |
Duncan (TN) |
R |
Calls for the Secretary of Defense to submit a report regarding awards and commendations presented to any military personnel for cost-saving ideas during the prior fiscal year and regarding how the Secretary plans to expand and streamline such awards programs for cost-saving ideas. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
122 |
345 |
Bacon (NE) |
R |
Requires the Secretary of Defense to modify the Department of Defense Annual Reports for China, Russia and Iran to include influence operations as a matter to be included in such reports. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
123 |
352 |
Gottheimer (NJ) |
D |
Adds a remembrance of the Holocaust as part of the program to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of WWII, and directs the Secretary of Defense to consult with the Director of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
124 |
359 |
Gohmert (TX) |
R |
Affirms the purpose and role of the military chaplancies. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
125 |
362 |
Bordallo (GU) |
D |
Provides American companies preference on Telecom Services on military bases in the United States and its territories. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
126 |
381 |
Jackson Lee (TX) |
D |
REVISED Provides information on the security threats posed by achieving stable quantum computing capability. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
127 |
392 |
Arrington (TX) |
R |
REVISED Requires a report from the Secretary of the Air Force no later than February 1, 2019 on how the OA-X light attack aircraft experiment program will support partner nation requirements in counter terrorism operations. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
118 |
335 |
Young, Don (AK) |
R |
REVISED Calls for a business case analysis on the establishment of an active or classic association and additional primary aircraft authorizations for the 168th Air Refueling Wing. |
Debate |
Not Offered |
128 |
401 |
Nolan (MN) |
D |
Expresses the sense of Congress that a strong domestic iron ore and steel industry is vital to the national security of the United States. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
129 |
409 |
Davidson (OH) |
R |
Adds an additional section on describing criteria and methodology used for determining military hospital downsizing and closures to a reporting requirement contained in the underlying bill. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
130 |
410 |
Loebsack (IA) |
D |
Requires the Secretary of Defense to perform an assessment of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, as well as Maintenance and Manufacturing (STEM) workforce for organizations within the DOD, identify the types and quantities of STEM jobs needed to support future mission work, and identify a plan of action to address the STEM jobs gap. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
131 |
419 |
Schneider (IL) |
D |
Authorizes the Boots to Business program which helps transitioning service members and veterans become entrepreneurs and create jobs through a standardized three-step entrepreneurship training track while giving access to resources in their local communities. This program currently runs as a collaboration between the Small Business Administration's Office of Veterans Business Development and the Department of Defense's Transition Assistance Program. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
132 |
420 |
Crawford (AR) |
R |
Provides the sense of Congress on why there is a need for a military explosive ordnance disposal intelligence program. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
133 |
423 |
Evans (PA) |
D |
Provides grants, financial assistance, loans, export assistance, and subcontracting opportunities on federal contracts to specified small businesses, organizations, state governments, universities, companies, and other entities that assist smaller enterprises. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
134 |
429 |
Frankel (FL) |
D |
REVISED Authorizes appropriations for research on women's contributions to security at the National Defense University Institute for National Security Studies. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
135 |
433 |
Raskin (MD) |
D |
Authorizes $5 million to advance the development of canine freeze-dried plasma. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
136 |
444 |
Frankel (FL) |
D |
Amends the FY18 NDAA requirement for the President to develop a national strategy for countering violent extremism to require the President's analysis to account for the unique factors that lead women to act as preventers or supporters of violent extremism, and the ways in which women are targeted as victims of violent extremism. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
137 |
445 |
Coffman (CO) |
R |
REVISED Requires the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Director of National Intelligence, to develop a briefing detailing the costs, risks, and operational benefits of leveraging commercial satellite servicing capabilities for national security satellite systems. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
138 |
458 |
Shea-Porter (NH) |
D |
Report on DoD security cooperation programs and activities in certain foreign countries, to include lessons learned and best practices with respect to DoD security cooperation programs and recommendations. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
139 |
469 |
Sinema (AZ) |
D |
REVISED Directs the Secretaries of Defense, State, and Treasury, in coordination with appropriate federal officials, to report to Congress on the current funding mechanisms used by Islamic State and affiliated entities; the most likely future financing mechanisms available to Islamic State and affiliated entities; and US efforts to deny access to such funding mechanisms. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
140 |
471 |
Sinema (AZ) |
D |
Expresses a sense of Congress that wildfires endanger national security and directs DOD to issue a report on wildfire suppression capabilities within the active and reserve components of the Armed Forces, including the Modular Airborne Fire Fighting System Program, and interagency cooperation with the Forest Service and the Department of the Interior. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
141 |
472 |
Sinema (AZ) |
D |
Ensures that the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) helps servicemembers obtain sufficient financial literacy to effectively leverage conferred benefits and opportunities for employment, education, vocational training, and entrepreneurship by requiring the Secretary of Defense to report to Congress on actions the Secretary intends to take to effectively incorporate financial literacy as part of the TAP. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
142 |
488 |
Newhouse (WA) |
R |
Extends the authorization for the Office of River Protection through 2024. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
143 |
491 |
Graves, Garret (LA) |
R |
Gives the Secretary of the respective branch of the military the ability to award the Vietnam Service Medal to participants of Operation End Sweep. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
144 |
506 |
Schrader (OR) |
D |
LATE Requires DOD to report to Congress on ways they are finding and implementing savings laid out by the 2015 Defense Business Board report and for alternative recommendations to achieve cost-savings. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
145 |
511 |
Stefanik (NY) |
R |
LATE REVISED Modifies federal hiring authority to make it easier to hire military spouses. |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
146 |
514 |
Thornberry (TX) |
R |
LATE REVISED Specifies the grade of officers serving as Attending Physician to the Congress and the grade of Chiefs of Chaplains. |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
147 |
516 |
Stefanik (NY) |
R |
LATE REVISED Establishes a National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (AI) to conduct a comprehensive and national-level review of advances in AI, machine learning, and associated technologies and make near-term, actionable recommendations to address our national security needs. |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
148 |
518 |
Taylor (VA) |
R |
LATE REVISED Allows Defense Access Road program funds to be utilized to conduct construction and maintenance on highways affected by recurrent flooding and sea level rise. |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
149 |
535 |
Thornberry (TX) |
R |
LATE Expresses a sense of Congress that design, manufacturing, and repair of the technology in unmanned ground vehicles is critical to national security. |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
150 |
540 |
Palmer (AL) |
R |
LATE REVISED Requires a briefing by the Secretary of the Air Force on the need for additional recruitment measures for Space related career fields. |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
151 |
543 |
Kelly (PA) |
R |
LATE Prohibits funds from being used to implement the UN Arms Trade Treaty unless the Senate approves a resolution of ratification for the Treaty and implementing legislation for the Treaty has been enacted into law. |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
152 |
548 |
Nolan (MN) |
D |
LATE REVISED Clarifies and makes certain specifications for the troop reporting requirement and the use of waivers. |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
153 |
549 |
Johnson, Sam (TX) |
R |
LATE Commissions a study to ascertain the impact of Medicare premiums on veterans on Social Security Disability Insurance returning to work. |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
154 |
550 |
Barr (KY) |
R |
LATE REVISED Authorizes the establishment of up to 100 new JROTC units in low-income and rural areas and strengthens the JROTC program to promote military readiness. |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
155 |
551 |
Carbajal (CA) |
D |
LATE Changes "Management" on page 230 and page 231 to "Medical". |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
156 |
557 |
Reed (NY) |
R |
LATE Directs the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of the Navy to submit a report to Congress on the impacts to our national defense and manufacturing base resulting from a potential relocation of production of steam turbines for aircraft carriers and submarines. |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
157 |
564 |
Hastings, Alcee (FL) |
D |
LATE REVISED Authorizes the Secretary of Defense to establish a joint Military Transition Outreach Pilot Program for contacting service-members within 30-90 days post-separation and/or retirement from active duty. |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
158 |
565 |
Foster (IL) |
D |
LATE REVISED Requires a report on the status of the countermeasures test program. The report shall include an evaluation and response to the 2010 JASON report titled "MDA Discrimination." |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
159 |
573 |
Jackson Lee (TX) |
D |
LATE Seeks an assessment, from the Secretary of Defense, of the strategies that may be used to reduce the security threat posed by active shooter incidents at public elementary schools and secondary schools located on the grounds of Federal military installations. |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
160 |
574 |
Flores (TX) |
R |
LATE Expresses the sense of congress that the Air Force should consider long-term university partnerships, similar to arrangements in the Army and Navy, to conduct research as well as science and engineering education for next-generation hypersonics capabilities. |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
161 |
032 |
Cramer, Kevin (ND) |
R |
Directs the SECDEF to include the names of the seventy-four crew of the USS Frank E. Evans killed on June 3, 1969 on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall. |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
162 |
566 |
Foster (IL) |
D |
LATE REVISED Requires a report on costs relating to ballistic, cruise, and hypersonic defenses of the United States. |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
163 |
074 |
Hartzler (MO) |
R |
REVISED Expands DOD's authority to interdict drones to include mobility airlift bases. |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
164 |
171 |
Lujan (NM) |
D |
REVISED Creates a manufacturing engineering education program to provide advanced manufacturing training to support the missions for the DOE National Security Laboratories and the NNSA sites |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
165 |
577 |
McClintock (CA) |
R |
LATE Authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to retain fees for medical services provided in units of the National Park System. |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
166 |
234 |
Rohrabacher (CA) |
R |
REVISED Requires a report on the potential strategic benefits from security cooperation with the government of Eritrea. |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
167 |
461 |
Shea-Porter (NH) |
D |
REVISED States that before and during security sector assistance (SSA) missions, DoD reports to the congressional defense committees assessing US and host nation-shared SSA objectives; evaluating host nation's political, social, economic, diplomatic, and historical context that may impair or inhibit the effectiveness of SSA; assessing the sustainability of support provided to foreign countries participating in SSA; and describing measures taken to ensure foreign countries participating in SSA do not become dependent on the SSA the United States provides. |
EB 7 |
Voice Vote
168 |
309 |
Ferguson (GA) |
R |
REVISED Ensures competition in the commercial e-commerce portal procurement program to foster a marketplace that provides the best products at the best prices. |
Debate |
Voice Vote
Rule #2 Amendment Order/Tracker - Wednesday Afternoon's Floor Action
Floor # |
Rules # |
Sponsor |
Party |
Description |
Floor Action |
Outcome |
001 |
340 |
Lujan Grisham (NM) |
D |
REVISED Authorizes the Air Force Research Lab to create an open campus initiative modeled after the Army Research Lab's program, which fosters innovation and provides for rapid transition of technologies into products by entrepreneurs. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
002 |
344 |
Lujan Grisham (NM) |
D |
REVISED Authorizes the Secretary to support national security innovation and entrepreneurial education programs for Department of Defense laboratory personnel. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
004 |
072 |
Suozzi (NY) |
D |
Expresses a sense of Congress encouraging DoD to accelerate, expedite and streamline environmental restoration efforts, reduce the financial burden on state and local governments and allay community concerns about the safety of drinking water. Directs the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, and Environment to brief the Congressional Armed Services committees on initiatives being pursued to accelerate environmental restoration efforts. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
005 |
554 |
Cicilline (RI) |
D |
LATE REVISED Requires the Defense Logistics Agency to provide direct notification to existing contractors when a branch of the military announces a change to uniform components produced by that contractor. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
006 |
302 |
Connolly (VA) |
D |
Provides not less than $12 million for the assessment monitoring, and evaluation of security cooperation activities in accordance with section 383 of title 10, U.S. Code. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
007 |
152 |
Crawford (AR) |
R |
REVISED Requires the Secretary of Defense to provide a plan to Congress on how USNORTHCOM will organize a joint task force for EOD and countering improvised explosive devices. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
009 |
342 |
Lujan Grisham (NM) |
D |
REVISED Authorizes entrepreneurial sabbatical programs across all the defense laboratories and allows researchers to take an unpaid sabbatical to work for a private sector firm in order to build their research for commercial purposes. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
011 |
446 |
Kuster, Ann (NH) |
D |
REVISED Requires SECDEF to submit a report to Congress within 90 days of passage detailing corrective actions taken based on IOT&E Report on MHS Genesis prior to its fielding beyond initial facilities. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
012 |
474 |
Schneider (IL) |
D |
Allows for increased flexibility for use of funding within Phase I and Phase II of the SBIR/STTR programs. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
014 |
425 |
Lawson (FL) |
D |
Requires the head of all agencies that have SBIR programs to implement a Commercialization Assistance Pilot Program, if not currently operating such a similar program, within one year of passage of this provision for the purpose of increasing commercialization of SBIR research by the use of sequential Phase II awards that require a match of outside funding. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
015 |
418 |
Velázquez (NY) |
D |
Grants agencies the ability to double the value of the contract awarded to specified small business concerns for purposes of the small business prime contracting goal for a duration of four years after enactment of the legislation. There is also a reporting requirement to track the number and amount of contracts awarded to eligible firms. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
016 |
416 |
Clarke (NY) |
D |
Grants agencies the ability to double the value of the contract awarded to U.S. Virgin Islands small business concerns for purposes of the small business prime contracting goal for a duration of four years after enactment of the legislation. There is also a reporting requirement to track the number and amount of contracts awarded to eligible firms. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
017 |
073 |
Hartzler (MO) |
R |
Prohibits federal agencies from procuring certain Chinese-made video surveillance equipment or services. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
018 |
164 |
McCaul (TX) |
R |
REVISED Amends Section 880 of the base bill, which prohibits all Federal agencies from buying from or contracting with covered companies. The amendment extends the prohibition to Federal grant money, and loans. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
020 |
050 |
Velázquez (NY) |
D |
Directs SBA to raise awareness and support business conversions to employee ownership through SBA entrepreneurial development and lending programs. Modernizes SBA's 7(a) loan guarantee program to increase access to capital for employee owned small businesses and cooperatives. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
021 |
555 |
Norman (SC) |
R |
LATE States that the Secretary of Defense shall include, with the Department of Defense budget, a report regarding the funding for product support strategies for major weapons systems. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
023 |
382 |
Poliquin (ME) |
R |
Clarifies that section 916 is not intended to require or encourage any reduction in work force at the Defense Finance and Accounting Services |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
024 |
005 |
Wilson, Joe (SC) |
R |
Changes "shall" on page 467 to "should" |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
025 |
036 |
Russell (OK) |
R |
Reduces the risk for military service members so that pilots and crews are better protected in training areas. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
026 |
096 |
Hastings, Alcee (FL) |
D |
REVISED Directs the Secretary of Defense to report to Congress on military installations that have been available for disaster recovery over the past 10 fiscal years, and installations assessed to be available for fast response in the future |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
027 |
370 |
Adams (NC) |
D |
Promotes increased participation in Federal procurement by HBCUs. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
028 |
568 |
Sessions (TX) |
R |
LATE REVISED Provides clarifying language that allows the SECDEF to enter into agreement with charitable organizations to provide assistance to local populations abroad. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
029 |
538 |
Smith, Adam (WA) |
D |
Clarifies that the Federal Aviation Administration is allowed to disburse funding to carry out a project to mitigate noise if the project is located at a school near the airport and if the school entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with the agency before September 30, 2002, even if the airport does not meet the requirements of part 150 Title 14. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
030 |
161 |
Hice, Jody (GA) |
R |
Reforms the pensions and allowances provided to former Presidents and surviving spouses. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
033 |
494 |
Meadows (NC) |
R |
REVISED Requires the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State to jointly certify and report to Congress that assistance to the Ministry of the Interior of Iraq under the Iraq Train and Equip Fund will not be disbursed to any group that is, or is known to be affiliated with, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps – Quds Force or other state sponsor of terrorism. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
034 |
288 |
Demings (FL) |
D |
REVISED Expresses the sense of Congress that the intelligence community should dedicate resources to further expose key financial networks used by the Russian political class to hide stolen money. In addition, requires a classified report on Putin and other senior Russian officials regarding their financial assets, which shall be submitted to Congress within 60 days of enactment. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
035 |
522 |
Boyle (PA) |
D |
LATE REVISED Requires a report from State Department and DOD on Russia's support for the Taliban in Afghanistan. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
036 |
533 |
Cheney (WY) |
R |
LATE Requires the Secretary of Defense to develop a list of technology that is currently eligible for export to China but the export of that technology my harm national security. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
037 |
561 |
Bass (CA) |
D |
REVISED Requires a comprehensive report within 90 days by Departments of State, Department of Defense, and USAID on US security and humanitarian interests in Yemen. The purpose is to build support for a comprehensive strategy to address humanitarian and security crisis in Yemen through increasing coordination in Yemen's Famine – Risk Areas between federal agencies, the UN Offices for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
038 |
321 |
Crowley (NY) |
D |
REVISED Requires a report on Bangladesh's ability to respond to natural disasters and humanitarian crises including recommendations for enhancing cooperation on humanitarian assistance and disaster relief |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
039 |
521 |
Boyle (PA) |
D |
LATE REVISED Requires a report from Secretary of State on U.S. cybersecurity cooperation with Ukraine. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
040 |
483 |
Hunter (CA) |
R |
REVISED Directs a report on the military installations within Djibouti |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
041 |
437 |
Meeks (NY) |
D |
REVISED States sense of Congress that the 3 Seas Initiative could serve as a valuable counterweight to the Kremlin's efforts to divide Europe and Chinese regional expansionism, particularly in the context of energy and infrastructure. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
042 |
052 |
Vela (TX) |
D |
Requires the Department of Defense to report to Congress on the impact of violence and cartel activity in Mexico on US national security. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
044 |
330 |
Norman (SC) |
R |
REVISED Requires the Office of Management and Budget to keep a separate accounts for overseas contingency operations and the accounts for the Department of Defense. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
045 |
515 |
McMorris Rodgers (WA) |
R |
LATE REVISED States that each Secretary concerned may conduct a study on the feasibility of IGSA's for terms not exceeding 20 years. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
046 |
576 |
McSally (AZ) |
R |
LATE Authorizes a land transfer for the purpose of relocating and extending a parallel runway at Tucson International Airport. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
047 |
221 |
Norton (DC) |
D |
Authorizes the Secretary of the Navy to enter into a land exchange in the vicinity of the Washington Navy Yard. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
048 |
572 |
Beyer (VA) |
D |
LATE REVISED Directs the Secretary of the Army to grant Arlington County a permanent easement as part of the southern expansion of Arlington National Cemetery for the purpose of commemorating Freedman's Village. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
049 |
569 |
LaMalfa (CA) |
R |
LATE REVISED Extends the existing sunset provision currently set to expire on October 1st, 2019 to October 1st, 2020. The extension would further prohibit funds from being used by the U.S. Air Force for the removal of the Over-the-Horizon-Backscatter Radar (OTHB) station located in Modoc County, CA. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
051 |
079 |
Panetta (CA) |
D |
REVISED Directs the Administrator for Nuclear Security to accelerate the elimination of the use of cesium chloride in blood irradiation devices. Cesium chloride represents a risk because of its potential employment in a radiological or ‘dirty bomb,' and is no longer required due to the availability of new treatment technologies that do not create a radiological threat. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
052 |
337 |
Hunter (CA) |
R |
REVISED Contains the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2017, which supports and strengthens the United States Coast Guard in its critical missions to save lives, safeguard our shores, protect living marine resources, and facilitate a modern 21st century maritime transportation system. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
053 |
237 |
Curbelo (FL) |
R |
REVISED Authorizes the Navy to lease surplus housing units at Naval Air Station, Key West, FL. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
054 |
512 |
Stefanik (NY) |
R |
LATE REVISED Requires foreign-owned media outlets based in the United States to submit a report to Congress and the FCC on the relationship of such outlet to the foreign principal, legal structure of that relationship, and funding source. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
056 |
280 |
Graves, Garret (LA) |
R |
REVISED Allows the National Guard to be reimbursed in a timely manner in response to an emergency declared under the Stafford Act. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
057 |
003 |
Takano (CA) |
D |
Creates demonstration project in the Air Force for 15-20 Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
058 |
004 |
Tenney (NY) |
R |
Provides the Secretary with the ability to open certain fitness centers, located at geographically separated units, to retirees. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
059 |
007 |
Lipinski (IL) |
D |
REVISED Requires an annual report from the Secretary of State and the Director of National Intelligence describing Iranian expenditures on military and terrorist activities outside the country. This report must be submitted annually until such time as the Secretary of State determines Iran no longer provides support for terrorism. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
060 |
009 |
Jones (NC) |
R |
Renames the Department of the Navy to the Department of the Navy and Marine Corps. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
003 |
275 |
Guthrie (KY) |
R |
Authorizes the Secretary of the Army to continue to provide for the production, treatment, management, and use of natural gas located under Fort Knox, Kentucky. |
Debate |
Voice Vote
008 |
122 |
Amodei (NV) |
R |
Addresses mine permitting issues in relationship to minerals deemed critical for national security and the nation's infrastructure. The amendment is consistent with EO 13604 and EO 13817 from 2012 and 2017 respectively which ordered federal agencies to reduce the time required to make permitting and review decisions for critical mineral projects. |
Debate |
010 |
077 |
McGovern (MA) |
D |
Requires the Secretary of Defense to design and produce a military service medal to honor retired and former members of the Armed Forces who are radiation-exposed veterans (Atomic Veterans). |
Debate |
013 |
422 |
McKinley (WV) |
R |
Institutes domestic sourcing requirements for dinner ware within the Department of Defense. |
Debate |
Not Adopted
019 |
380 |
Tenney (NY) |
R |
Reinstates the Berry Amendment's longstanding domestic sourcing requirement for stainless steel flatware and provides a one year phase-in period. |
Debate |
Not Adopted
022 |
092 |
King, Steve (IA) |
R |
Ensures no funds authorized go to the enforcement of Davis-Bacon |
Not Offered |
043 |
452 |
Engel (NY) |
D |
REVISED Authorizes financial and visa sanctions against perpetrators of ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya by the Burmese military and security forces; limits U.S. military and security assistance with Burma until reforms take place; incentivizes reform of the Burmese gemstone sector which is notoriously dominated by the military; and requires a determination of what crimes the Burmese military committed, including genocide. |
Debate |
050 |
260 |
Polis (CO) |
D |
REVISED Reduces the amount authorized for the National Nuclear Security Administration's Weapons Account to the amount in the budget request. |
Debate |
Not Adopted
055 |
065 |
Gallagher (WI) |
R |
REVISED Adds the use of immigration programs and visas by the Chinese Communist Party to enter the United States for the purposes of political, academic, or social influence efforts to the strategy required in Section 1252. |
Debate |
Voice Vote
032 |
552 |
Zeldin (NY) |
R |
LATE REVISED Creates a policy a cooperation with foreign countries that support the United States' efforts to counter Iran's destabilizing activities in the Middle East. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
031 |
162 |
Ross (FL) |
R |
Requires OPM to submit a detailed report to Congress on the use of ‘Official Time' by federal employees. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
061 |
012 |
Blunt Rochester (DE) |
D |
Expresses a sense of Congress honoring the Dover Air Force Base and specifically the Center for Mortuary Affairs. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
062 |
016 |
Fitzpatrick (PA) |
R |
Directs the Secretary of Defense to implement a process to coordinate annual research requests between all services and offices under Department of Defense in order to maximize the benefit of each request and minimize duplication, and achieve cost savings. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
063 |
018 |
Fitzpatrick (PA) |
R |
Directs DOD to conduct a review of the foreign currency rates used at disbursement to determine whether cost-savings opportunities exist by more consistently selecting cost-effective rates |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
064 |
019 |
Fitzpatrick (PA) |
R |
Directs the Secretary of Defense to raise the priority of completing DOD Directive 2310.07E in order to clarify processes and efficiencies in recovering the remains of heroes missing in action, via the POW/MIA Accounting Agency. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
065 |
020 |
Poe (TX) |
R |
REVISED Directs the President to impose sanctions on two Iranian proxies in Syria and Iraq for terrorism and requires report detailing entities in which the IRGC has an ownership interest of 33 percent or greater. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
066 |
059 |
Carbajal (CA) |
D |
Encourages the Secretary of Defense to transition training manuals, emergency guidance, and other publications needed to train service members to a mobile app which would enable innovative technologies and interaction between trainees and information needed to complete training, as well provide a cost-efficient mechanism for less printing and less distribution costs. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
067 |
061 |
Lance (NJ) |
R |
Requires each military department to carry out a program for awarding medals and other commendations to the military working dogs and/or their handlers. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
068 |
076 |
Foster (IL) |
D |
Requires an independent assessment of nuclear forensic analysis conducted by the Federal Government, and requires the President to provide to Congress a briefing on the involvement of senior-level executive branch leadership in recent and planned nuclear terrorism preparedness or response exercises. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
069 |
082 |
Cárdenas , Tony (CA) |
D |
Creates a pilot program to train members of the Armed Forces in mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques before deploying to combat zones. A report on the effect of the program on stress management and post-traumatic stress disorder. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
070 |
088 |
Meng (NY) |
D |
Requires the creation and use of exit surveys that will allow DOD to assess the reasons that attrition levels for women in the military are higher than for men at various career points. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
071 |
089 |
Meng (NY) |
D |
Authorizes the Jet Noise Reduction Program within the Office of Naval Research. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
072 |
090 |
Meng (NY) |
D |
Adds oversight as a responsibility of the newly formed Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Policy and Oversight Council. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
073 |
100 |
Smith, Adam (WA) |
D |
Requires a report from the Secretary of Defense on Department of Defense missions, operations, and activities in Niger and the broader region. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
074 |
110 |
Bera (CA) |
D |
Requires the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretaries of the VA, Education, and Labor, to submit a report to Congress detailing the transfer of skills into college credit or technical certifications for members of the Armed Forces leaving the military. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
075 |
113 |
Meadows (NC) |
R |
REVISED Promotes responsible leasing of DOD property by requiring the Secretary of Defense to direct the military departments to certify, prior to entering into a new lease, that there is not available DOD property which may be reconfigured to support the purpose of the proposed lease in a more cost effective manner; and, requires a breakout of annual rent plus other costs including parking costs for multiple assets associated with a single lease; and, requires GAO to submit a one-time report on the completeness of these requirements in updating the DOD's Real Property Database (RPAD) by the DOD. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
076 |
117 |
Schiff (CA) |
D |
Requires a report by the Secretary of Defense to Congress on the legal basis for strikes by the United States against Syrian regime targets in April 2017 and April 2018. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
077 |
130 |
Heck, Denny (WA) |
D |
Amends the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act to permit an individual to provide to a creditor as proof of military service, in order to qualify for the active service interest rate limitation, a certified letter from a commanding officer or any other appropriate indicator of military service. A creditor may use information from the Defense Manpower Database Center indicating that the individual is on active duty. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
078 |
134 |
Esty (CT) |
D |
Requires a study on the feasibility of requiring service members to apply for VA benefits prior to discharge. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
079 |
137 |
Krishnamoorthi (IL) |
D |
Requires DoD to report how many underemployed reserve members in an employment program are in a field that matches their skills and training |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
080 |
149 |
Gabbard (HI) |
D |
Includes a study to evaluate the personal protective equipment required by civil defense agencies and civilian communities located near active volcanic activity to protect against dangers such as sulfur dioxide gas and other hazards. This amendment also authorizes the transfer or excess Department of Defense personal protective equipment to state and local agencies if it is determined that the Department of Defense does not require such equipment for current or planned requirements. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
081 |
151 |
Crawford (AR) |
R |
REVISED Authorizes a pilot program to examine the feasibility and effectiveness of the Army National Guard EOD soldiers in Title 32 status versus using the current Mobilization Day EOD soldiers mobilized in Title 10 status to provide this support. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
082 |
150 |
Crawford (AR) |
R |
Assigns the Explosive Ordnance Disposal research, development, and acquisition program to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense Programs. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
083 |
155 |
Castro (TX) |
D |
REVISED Supports Department of Defense efforts to deepen multilateral cooperation on disaster response. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
084 |
167 |
Thornberry (TX) |
R |
Directs the Secretary of Defense to conduct a joint study with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on the impact wind farms have on weather radars and military operations. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
085 |
172 |
Lujan (NM) |
D |
REVISED Requires the Secretary of Defense to select and contract with an independent Federally Funded Research and Development Center to review, assess and prepare a report on NNSA's strategy for the recapitalization of plutonium science and production capabilities. It also requires Secretary of Energy to provide briefings on this strategy, and requires the Nuclear Weapons Council to provide annual certifications related to this effort. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
086 |
175 |
Biggs (AZ) |
R |
Expresses the sense of Congress on allied contributions to the common defense. Requires the Secretary of Defense to submit a report to Congress on annual defense spending by ally and partner countries. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
087 |
177 |
McSally (AZ) |
R |
Grants a waiver of time limitations so that the Distinguished-Service Cross can be awarded to Staff Sgt. Gallegos, a soldier from AZ who was killed in Afghanistan in 2009. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
088 |
178 |
Jackson Lee (TX) |
D |
Requires Secretary of Defense to report to Congress programs and procedures employed to ensure students studying abroad through Department of Defense National Security Education Programs are trained to recognize, resist, and report against recruitment efforts by agents of foreign governments. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
089 |
187 |
Jackson Lee (TX) |
D |
Provides a report 220 days after enactment on the DoD's capacity to provide survivors of natural disasters with emergency short term housing. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
090 |
188 |
Jackson Lee (TX) |
D |
REVISED Directs that the Secretary of DoD 240 days from enactment will provide a report on the risks posed by man-made space debris in low-earth orbit, including recommendations on remediation of such risks, and outlines of plans to reduce the incident of space debris. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
091 |
190 |
Jackson Lee (TX) |
D |
REVISED Seeks a report 180 days following enactment from the Secretary of DoD, which will include the Coast Guard, on the rate of maternity mortality rate among members of the Armed Forces and the dependents of such members. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
092 |
193 |
Jackson Lee (TX) |
D |
Assures that a report already required by the bill on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning will also provide information on the "Opportunities and Risks" related to advances in the area of AI and its sub discipline of machine learning. The report shall have a classified section. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
Rule #1 Amendment Order/Tracker - Tuesday Night's Floor Action
Floor # |
Rules # |
Sponsor |
Party |
Description |
Floor Action |
Outcome |
001 |
531 |
Thornberry (TX) |
R |
LATE States that the Secretary of Defense shall establish an innovators database within the Department of Defense. The database will focus on small business innovators that receive funds under the SBIR/SBTR programs. |
Debate |
Voice Vote
002 |
402 |
Nolan (MN) |
D |
Strikes the authorization of funds made available under the Overseas Contingency Operations account. (Title XV) |
Debate |
Not Adopted
003 |
106 |
Gabbard (HI) |
D |
Strikes section 1225, a required strategy to counter destabilizing activities of Iran |
Debate |
Not Adopted
004 |
300 |
Aguilar (CA) |
D |
Adds to an already-mandated annual report, this amendment would require DoD to include a 20-year estimate of the projected life cycle costs of each type of nuclear weapon and delivery platform in its text. |
Debate |
Not Adopted
005 |
411 |
Garamendi (CA) |
D |
Limits 50% of the funding for the W76-2 warhead modification program until the Secretary of Defense submits a report assessing the program's impacts on strategic stability and options to reduce the risk of miscalculation |
Debate |
Not Adopted
006 |
049 |
Russell (OK) |
R |
Expands expedited hiring authority for college graduates government-wide to fill critical-need jobs. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
007 |
070 |
Pearce (NM) |
R |
Amends the Development Test & Evaluation strategic plan to expand the period taken into account when assessing DoD Test and Evaluation resources from a 10-year period to a 30-year period. It also expands the report requirements, specifically, the assessment of facility and resources requirements to analyze test and evaluations needs in Missile Defense, Cyberspace Operations, Direct Energy, and Hypersonics. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
008 |
320 |
Langevin (RI) |
D |
Increases funding by $3 million to be used for divertor test tokamak research and development. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
009 |
513 |
Sinema (AZ) |
D |
LATE States that the sense of the Congress that government-owned mobile technologies remain at risk for targeting or data breaches placing at risk information that could harm national security. Requests a briefing by DOD on threats posed by credential theft, active surveillance from mics and cameras, and tracking of user movements and location; commercial availability of technologies to mitigate these threats; and strategies and feasibility of deploying mobile security technologies within the Department. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
010 |
031 |
Wilson, Joe (SC) |
R |
Directs the Secretary of Defense to submit a report on developing a plan to site, construct, and operate at least one licensed micro-reactor at a critical national security facility by 2028. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
011 |
144 |
Krishnamoorthi (IL) |
D |
Expands the Additive Manufacturing Centers of Excellence program to include On-the-job training |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
012 |
529 |
Cartwright (PA) |
D |
LATE REVISED Requires the Secretary of Defense, in conjunction with the military service secretaries and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff services to provide the percentage, as well as the dollar value and number of direct labor hours of depot maintenance that was performed in the public and the private sector by major commodity over the past five fiscal years. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
013 |
304 |
Ruiz (CA) |
D |
Requires Department of Defense to conduct a study on the feasibility of phasing out the use of burn pits by using technology incinerators. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
014 |
085 |
Meng (NY) |
D |
Permits any member of the armed services who gives birth to be exempt from deployment for 12 months after such birth unless they request deployment. Current bill text only covers members who give birth while on active duty. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
015 |
048 |
Napolitano (CA) |
D |
Requires the Secretary of Defense to evaluate the pilot Jobs ChalleNGe Programs and submit a report of findings and recommendations 120 days after the end of the fiscal year. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
016 |
132 |
Napolitano (CA) |
D |
Ensures equipment and facilities of the United States, a state, a county or a local government may also be transferred to the National Guard for purpose of carrying out the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
017 |
497 |
Pascrell (NJ) |
D |
Directs the Secretary of Defense to include blast exposure history as part of soldier service records in order to ensure that, if medical issues arise later, soldiers receive care for any service-connect injuries. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
018 |
111 |
Gonzalez, Vicente (TX) |
D |
Requires the Secretary of the Army, Air Force, and Navy to encourage high schools with U.S. Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps to include cyber security educational programs and awareness in the curriculum. This includes lessons on cyber defense, risks of cybersecurity vulnerabilities in the military, and pursuing studies and careers in cybersecurity and related fields within defense. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
019 |
129 |
Heck, Denny (WA) |
D |
Requires the Department of Defense to publish certain information regarding the housing market around major infrastructure to better inform servicemembers on the use of their Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH). It also calls for a Government Accountability Report on the data gathering used to set BAH rates. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
020 |
215 |
Welch (VT) |
D |
Authorizes the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon program, which assists National Guard and Reservists families with assistance before, during, and after deployment, including outreach services for employment and financial counseling, suicide prevention, and housing advocacy. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
021 |
440 |
Soto (FL) |
D |
Directs the Secretary concerned to make the application for transfer, including determinations and actions regarding the application, confidential for students of military academies who are victims of sexual assault. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
022 |
135 |
Esty (CT) |
D |
Requires the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs to establish a joint definition of "military sexual trauma" for use in all aspects of delivering relevant care and benefits to service members and veterans. |
EB 1 |
Voice Vote
023 |
250 |
Soto (FL) |
D |
Requires the inclusion of resources available to treat victims of military sexual trauma as part of the required service member preseparation counseling. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
024 |
083 |
Meng (NY) |
D |
Requires the Secretary of Defense to permit military parents flexible (non-continuous) maternity and parental leave. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
025 |
509 |
Pocan (WI) |
D |
LATE Requires the National Guard Bureau to re-examine the contract and wage determinations for a contractor it utilizes for Guard support services, and to report its findings back to Congress. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
026 |
205 |
Schrader (OR) |
D |
Exempts members of the Armed Forces who voluntarily separated from active duty, are involuntarily recalled, and incur a 100 percent service-connected disability during that time from the requirement to repay voluntary separation pay. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
027 |
069 |
Pearce (NM) |
R |
Creates a streamlined process for wounded warriors to cross train into the emerging field of Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA), regardless of their AFSC, MOS or military branch as a pilot or sensor operator in the Air Force. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
028 |
112 |
Davis, Rodney (IL) |
R |
Directs the Secretary of Defense to revise the Department of Defense Instruction 1300.18 to extend travel privileges via Invitational Travel Authorization to family members of members of the Armed Forces who die outside of the United States and whose remains are returned to the United States through the mortuary facility at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
029 |
103 |
DelBene (WA) |
D |
Removes the 25 percent cap on garnishment of military retirement pay to satisfy a judgement rendered for physically, sexually, or emotionally abusing a child. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
030 |
010 |
Jones (NC) |
R |
If the Secretary of Defense determines that appropriate educational programs are not available through a local educational agency for dependents of retirees residing on a military installation in the United States, the Secretary may enter into arrangements to provide for the elementary or secondary education of the dependents of such retirees. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
031 |
319 |
Hudson (NC) |
R |
Requires a report from the SECDEF examining the current process for awarding Imminent Danger Pay and Hostile Fire Pay for members of the Armed Forces. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
032 |
377 |
Coffman (CO) |
R |
Expresses the sense of Congress stating that under the special survivor indemnity allowance, surviving spouses and dependent children of members who die of a service-connected cause will not be subject to a full offset of survivor benefit plan payments by dependency and indemnity compensation, commonly referred to as the "widows' tax". |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
033 |
217 |
Donovan (NY) |
R |
Requires the Department of Defense to reevaluate the disparity in payments between the Military Housing Area for Staten Island, and the Military Housing Area for the rest of New York City, in an effort to resolve this inequity. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
034 |
343 |
Lujan Grisham (NM) |
D |
Provides compensation and credit for retired pay purposes for maternity leave taken by members of the reserve components. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
035 |
293 |
Rouzer (NC) |
R |
Allows terminally ill participants in the Survivor Benefit Plan to elect a new beneficiary as opposed to waiting for an Open Season. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
036 |
281 |
Graves, Garret (LA) |
R |
Requires a report regarding the management of military commissaries and exchanges. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
037 |
248 |
Soto (FL) |
D |
Adds universities to the list of entities authorized to partner with the Department of Defense's pilot program on treatment of members of the armed forces for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) related to military sexual trauma. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
038 |
102 |
Carson (IN) |
D |
Makes permanent the Department of Defense's existing requirement to provide mental health assessments to service members during deployment. |
EB 2 |
Voice Vote
039 |
448 |
Kuster, Ann (NH) |
D |
Requires health providers to provide transitioning service members information and referrals for counseling and treatment of substance use disorders and chronic pain management services, when appropriate. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
040 |
087 |
Meng (NY) |
D |
Permits the Secretary of Defense to develop a burn patient transfer system which includes military and civilian burn centers that could be used during mass casualty events. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
041 |
176 |
González-Colón (PR) |
R |
REVISED Requires the Department of Defense to study and report on how the TriCare program for health care for active military and retired-veteran family members is applied in Puerto Rico, and the feasibility of having the TriCare Prime benefit apply to residents therein on the same basis as for residents in the mainland states. Indicates subjects the study should include. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
042 |
417 |
Velázquez (NY) |
D |
Requires the Comptroller General of the United States to submit to the congressional defense committees a report containing a study of the immediate, long-term, and potential ongoing health effects of the live-fire training at Vieques Naval Training Range conducted by the Navy before 2002 and other activities of the armed forces on the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
043 |
236 |
Smucker (PA) |
R |
Requires the Secretary of Defense to submit a report to the congressional defense committees (HASC and SASC) that describes the shortage of mental health providers of the Department of Defense and contains a strategy to better recruit and retain mental health providers. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
044 |
011 |
Jones (NC) |
R |
Creates a study on earning by special operations, and forces medics of credits towards a physician assistant degree. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
045 |
525 |
Krishnamoorthi (IL) |
D |
LATE Requires DoD to study the effects of the anesthetic shortage on military healthcare and propose methods for mitigating any harm arising as a result of this shortage |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
046 |
467 |
Kuster, Ann (NH) |
D |
Requires the Secretary of Defense to provide the Department of Veterans Affairs a report detailing "lessons learned" in fielding and resolving issues found during IOT&E of MHS Genesis. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
047 |
145 |
Krishnamoorthi (IL) |
D |
Requires DoD to report on the steps taken to prevent and treat opioid use among DoD dependents, including counseling, data sharing, and intervention strategies |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
048 |
451 |
Smucker (PA) |
R |
REVISED Requires that the Secretary of Defense must submit to the Committees on Armed Services of the House and Senate a report on the Department of Defense's efforts to review and monitor the medication prescribing practices of its providers based on DOD's guideline recommendations to treat PTSD. DOD must establish a monitoring program carried out by each branch of the Armed Services to conduct periodic reviews of the medication prescribing practices of its own providers. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
049 |
033 |
Banks (IN) |
R |
Directs the Secretary of Defense to submit a plan to Congress prior to reorganizing, restructuring, or eliminating any position or offices in Section 811. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
050 |
051 |
Mitchell (MI) |
R |
Requires a review of regulations relating to the acquisition of commercial products and services, promotes the use of interagency acquisitions, and improves the process for acquiring services based on hourly rates when using multiple award contracts. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
051 |
527 |
Graves, Garret (LA) |
R |
LATE Exempts an individual acquisition for commercial leasing services from enhanced competition requirements for the purchase of property and services by executive agencies if such individual acquisition is made on a no cost basis and pursuant to a multiple award contract in accordance with requirements for full and open competition. The Government Accountability Office must conduct biennial audits of the GSA National Broker Contract, conduct a review of the application of enhanced competition requirements, and report on such audits and reviews. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
052 |
421 |
Adams (NC) |
D |
Directs the Small Business Administration (SBA) to ensure that the SCORE program and each of its chapters develop and implement plans and goals to provide services more effectively and efficiently to individuals in rural areas, economically disadvantaged communities, and other traditionally underserved communities, including plans for electronic initiatives, web-based initiatives, chapter expansion, partnerships, and the development of new skills by participating volunteers. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
053 |
415 |
Espaillat (NY) |
D |
Establishes that Procurement Technical Assistance Centers are authorized to form an association to pursue matters of common concern that is recognized by the Secretary of Defense. |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
054 |
305 |
Connolly (VA) |
D |
Directs the Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy to develop a definition for and track procurement administrative lead time (PALT). |
EB 3 |
Voice Vote
055 |
023 |
Conaway (TX) |
R |
Makes a technical correction that clarifies language to accurately include business systems, which are integral to the department's auditability efforts. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
057 |
038 |
Burgess (TX) |
R |
Requires a report ranking all military departments and Defense Agencies in order of how advanced they are in achieving auditable financial statements as required by law. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
058 |
303 |
Ruiz (CA) |
D |
Requires Department of Defense to carry out an annual education campaign to inform servicemembers exposed to burn pits who qualify to enroll in the Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pits Registry of such eligibility. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
059 |
136 |
Esty (CT) |
D |
REVISED Expresses the sense of Congress that the Federal Aviation Administration and the Department of Defense should coordinate to prevent the unauthorized flight of unmanned aircraft over Arlington National Cemetery. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
060 |
045 |
Young, Don (AK) |
R |
REVISED Directs the SECDEF to report on an updated Arctic Strategy to improve and enhance joint operations. The report shall also include an assessment of Russia's aggressive buildup of military assets and infrastructure in the Arctic, as well as China's efforts to influence Arctic policy. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
061 |
182 |
Jackson Lee (TX) |
D |
Directs Secretary of Navy to submit report to Congress on the feasibility of applying desalinization technologies to provide drought relief in areas impacted by sharp declines in water availability for both military as well as civilian purposes. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
062 |
001 |
Young, Don (AK) |
R |
Directs the SECDEF to expedite DoD compliance of requirements relating to reciprocity of security clearance and access determinations per Section 3001 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
063 |
501 |
Gosar (AZ) |
R |
LATE Requires National Cancer Institute and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to perform an assessment to determine if certain individuals exposed to nuclear fallout from atmospheric nuclear testing by the federal government at the Nevada Test Site contracted certain cancers as a result of that testing and should be eligible for the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
064 |
412 |
Denham (CA) |
R |
Requires USDA to provide guidance and resources for individuals interested in using GI benefits for agricultural education programs. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
065 |
002 |
Young, Don (AK) |
R |
Directs the SECDEF to engage with local indigenous communities for their traditional knowledge when developing Arctic survival curriculum. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
066 |
560 |
Yoder (KS) |
R |
LATE Adds Email Privacy Act |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
067 |
028 |
Lawrence (MI) |
D |
Requires the Secretary of Defense to share lessons learned and best practices on progress of gender integration implementation in the Armed Forces. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
068 |
186 |
Jackson Lee (TX) |
D |
Requires a report on the readiness of the National Guard and Reserve to respond to natural disasters. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
070 |
545 |
Abraham (LA) |
R |
LATE Expresses a sense of Congress in support of the Peshmerga forces of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and their contributions to fighting and defeating ISIS. |
EB 4 |
Voice Vote
056 |
042 |
Turner (OH) |
R |
Strikes the reauthorization of the National Aviation Heritage Area (section 1076) |
Not Offered |
071 |
347 |
Perry (PA) |
R |
Requires the Secretary of Defense to report on the incorporation of violent extremist organizations into the Iraq military and such organizations access to U.S.-provided training and equipment. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
072 |
477 |
Schneider (IL) |
D |
Amends Section 1225 (Strategy to counter destabilizing activities of Iran) to include the countries in which Iran is operating, assessing their destabilizing activities and implications thereof. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
073 |
482 |
Schneider (IL) |
D |
Requires a report on Iran's support for proxy forces in Syria and Lebanon, including Hizballah, and an assessment of the threat posed to Israel and other U.S. regional allies. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
074 |
427 |
Ellison (MN) |
D |
Adds language expressing the sense of Congress that the use of military force is not authorized against Iran. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
075 |
426 |
Ellison (MN) |
D |
Adds language clarifying that the bill is not an authorization for the use of military force against Iran. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
076 |
231 |
Lee, Barbara (CA) |
D |
Requires a report from the Secretary of Defense on the progress made under the United States-Afghan Compact |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
077 |
133 |
Roskam (IL) |
R |
Expresses a sense of Congress of the threats posed by Iran's ballistic missile program. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
078 |
294 |
Yoho (FL) |
R |
Reinstatements of reporting requirements with respect to United States-Hong Kong relations |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
079 |
310 |
Connolly (VA) |
D |
Requires a North Korea human rights report on efforts related to repatriation of U.S. Armed Forces remains, Korean-American family reunifications, and travel security risks. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
080 |
229 |
Lee, Barbara (CA) |
D |
States that nothing in this Act may be construed as authorizing the use of force against North Korea. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
081 |
329 |
Khanna (CA) |
D |
Ensures nothing in this Act shall be construed as authorizing the use of force against North Korea. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
082 |
292 |
Yoho (FL) |
R |
Modifications of freedom of navigation reporting requirements. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
083 |
428 |
Frankel (FL) |
D |
Expresses a sense of Congress that continued United States leadership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is critical to the national security of the United States. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
084 |
358 |
Delaney (MD) |
D |
Adds a Sense of Congress that reaffirms the U.S. commitment to NATO and includes appreciate for its continued effort in combating terrorism. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
085 |
039 |
Bishop, Mike (MI) |
R |
Expresses a sense of Congress that North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member countries should meet or exceed their 2 percent Gross Domestic Product commitment to defense spending. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
086 |
356 |
Gohmert (TX) |
R |
Requires the SECDEF in coordination with the Secretary of State to submit a report that contains an assessment of the threats posed to the United States by the Muslim Brotherhood. |
EB 5 |
Voice Vote
087 |
008 |
Walz (MN) |
D |
REVISED Directs the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency to submit to the Secretary of Defense and the HASC, HPSCI, HFAC, SASC, SSCI, and SCFR a report on the military training center and logistical capabilities of the Chinese and Russian armies. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
088 |
184 |
Jackson Lee (TX) |
D |
Condemns the actions of Boko Haram and directs that the Secretary of Defense submit a report on efforts to combat Boko Haram. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
089 |
366 |
Lieu (CA) |
D |
REVISED Requires a report by the Secretaries of State and Defense on foreign interference in Libya, including actions that violate the United Nations arms embargo, undermine U.S. interests or promote the presence of U.S. adversaries in Libya. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
090 |
523 |
Boyle (PA) |
D |
LATE States that sense of Congress the U.S. should lead an international coalition to counter hybrid threats |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
091 |
154 |
Castro (TX) |
D |
Adds sections on the East China Sea and the Indian Ocean to the annual Department of Defense report on Chinese military activities. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
092 |
476 |
Schneider (IL) |
D |
Amends Section 1685 (NIE with respect to Russian and Chinese interference in Democratic countries) to require a report on DOD efforts to deter such interference. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
093 |
068 |
Pearce (NM) |
R |
REVISED Requests a Space Launch study and report identifying vulnerabilities and capacity concerns of the current launch facilities. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
094 |
442 |
Soto (FL) |
D |
Includes cybersecurity and computer programming into the JROTC curriculum. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
095 |
101 |
Aguilar (CA) |
D |
Helps students attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), and Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AANAPISI) access the Department of Defense Cyber Scholarship Program. (OPPORTUNITY Act; HR 5746) |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
096 |
524 |
Comstock (VA) |
R |
LATE REVISED Requires the Secretary of Defense to submit a report to Congress on the transition of the SharkSeer program to the Defense Information Systems Agency. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
097 |
189 |
Jackson Lee (TX) |
D |
Seeks a report on the feasibility of the DoD developing a cybersecurity apprentice program that provides on the job training for certain cybersecurity positions and in support of acquisition of cybersecurity certifications. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
098 |
424 |
Thompson, Mike (CA) |
D |
Provides for the Secretary of the Navy to conduct work necessitated by Naval remediation activities, to conduct mitigation work as necessary, and to report to Congress within 120 days the process by which the work and mitigation will be completed. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
099 |
386 |
Kinzinger (IL) |
R |
REVISED Extends lifespan of waste disposal site use by US Army. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
100 |
037 |
Culberson (TX) |
R |
Establishes grant funding for the preservation of our nation's historic battleships. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
101 |
165 |
Lujan (NM) |
D |
Expresses the sense of Congress that the United States should compensate and recognize all of the miners, workers, downwinders, and others suffering from the effects of uranium mining and nuclear testing carried out during the Cold War. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
102 |
006 |
Tipton (CO) |
R |
REVISED Ensures that royalty payments from the Anvil Points fund that have been returned to Colorado do not impact the 2019 Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) disbursements for recipient counties. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote
103 |
067 |
Pearce (NM) |
R |
Calls for modification to the boundaries between White Sands Missile Range and White Sands National Monument. |
EB 6 |
Voice Vote