CITI Hearing: Man and Machine: Artificial Intelligence on the Battlefield

Tuesday, July 18, 2023 - 9:00am
Rayburn 2118

Purpose: The subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the barriers that prevent the Department of Defense from adopting and deploying artificial intelligence (AI) effectively and safely, the Department’s role in AI adoption, and the risks to the Department from adversarial AI.




Mr. Alexandr Wang

Chief Executive Officer

Scale AI


Mr. Klon Kitchen

Nonresident Senior Fellow

American Enterprise Institute


Dr. Haniyeh Mahmoudian

Global AI Ethicist


Mr. Alexandr Wang Opening Statement

Chief Executive Officer

Scale AI


Mr. Klon Kitchen Opening Statement

Nonresident Senior Fellow

American Enterprise Institute


Dr. Haniyeh Mahmoudian Opening Statement

Global AI Ethicist



118th Congress