Banks Opening Statement at Hearing on Information Technology, Digital Developments, and Artificial Intelligence

U.S. Representative Jim Banks (R-IN), Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Cyber, Innovative Technologies, and Information Systems, delivered the following opening statement at a hearing on FY23 priorities for the Department of Defense for digital modernization & transformation, artificial intelligence, information technology, and cybersecurity.

Rep. Banks remarks as prepared for delivery:

Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you to our witnesses for joining us on short notice.

Mr. Sherman, as Chief Information Officer for the Department of Defense, you are responsible for a significant number of programs – cloud adoption, IT networks, data policies, spectrum management, cybersecurity and more. All things that are critical to the warfighter.

Secure, effective technology can revolutionize how the Department conducts its business, but investments in IT infrastructure are necessary to do so. I am encouraged by the progress you have made in the last year, but I fear there is still a long road ahead. I have also been disappointed in the delays to award contracts in the Joint Warfighter Cloud Capability program.

I think the creation of the Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Officer, was a wise move to help the Department better use and deploy AI at scale, but the value of that move won't be realized for months as Dr. Martell is not in place yet.

With an enterprise as large and diverse as the DoD, modernization and security is a difficult task. You need the buy-in not just from the highest levels of the DoD, but everyone who logs on to a DoD network. You also need a capable workforce to acquire and deploy it, as well as train the rest of the workforce on how to use it.

Without strong investments, strategic vision, diligence in implementation, and accountability, we risk weakening the Department's security, which is unacceptable.

I look forward to our conversation today about how to continue the progress you have made and expand upon it. Thank you and I yield back.