Thornberry, Granger, Womack Warn Of Damage To The Military Under A Full-Year CR

Fact Sheet Details Real Damage A CR Would Do

Reps Mac Thornberry (R-TX), Kay Granger (R-TX) and Steve Womack (R-AR), Republican leaders of the House Armed Services, Appropriations, and Budget Committees respectively, issued a stark warning to their colleagues today on the damage a full-year continuing resolution would do to America's military. That damage is detailed in a fact sheet that accompanies their warning.

"Across the political spectrum, folks have rightfully praised our military and intelligence professionals for taking a barbaric terrorist off the battlefield this past week. But it would be wrong to praise them with our lips and damage them with our votes. History teaches us that America will be tested in the coming weeks. Our men and women in uniform will have to face that challenge abroad while the support for their training, weapons, and families remains uncertain here at home. We owe them more and we must do better," Thornberry said.

"We are facing global threats to our interests and our allies. Our highest priority should be keeping the government functioning and the Defense Department fully funded. We cannot afford to short-change our troops or create unnecessary uncertainty for the Department of Defense," Ranking Member Granger added.

"The courageous men and women who put their lives on the line for our country deserve our unyielding support. When Congress fails to provide stable funding, we hinder our warfighters and neglect our constitutional duty of providing for the common defense. It's a clear reflection of the broken budget and appropriations process that has plagued this chamber for far too long. We can't continue to hold our military hostage – and anything less than sustained, predictable appropriations will damage national security. We must do better by America's service members," Womack said.

Learn more about the damage a full-year CR would do.