McKeon Congratulates Wada

May 2, 2014
Press Release

Washington, D.C. - House Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard P. "Buck" McKeon (R-CA) made the following statement regarding the nomination of Committee Professional Staff Member Debra Wada as Assistant Secretary of the Army.     

“The news that Debra Wada has been nominated as Assistant Secretary of the Army is bittersweet. Deb has been an indispensable asset to the House Armed Services Committee. Deb has provided wise counsel to members on both sides of the aisle, shaping key leader opinions and advocating tirelessly for the men and women in uniform. Deb’s energetic intellect kept us on our toes, and we will miss her. However, I’m pleased that she will continue to serve her country from the Department of the Army. The President was wise to nominate her and I urge the Senate to confirm her swiftly.  I wish her the best as she moves on to new challenges."